Winter Garden

Every now and then I get a surge of creativity to sew an outfit, but this is the FIRST time I have EVER created a look from head to toe, LITERALLY! I have decided that each month I am going to work on a challenging outfit for myself and reveal the look at the end of that month. This month’s creation had me up early in the morning and awake late at night. I believe the hard word paid off. I present to you, my first project of the year, WINTER GARDEN!

This look was made by using the same floral fabric on everything. The outfit consists of a hat, mask, cape and over the knee boots. Details are below to purchase.


This was my first time working with fabric glue and… Lets just say I’ll only use it when I absolutely NEED to lol After each application I had to let it sit for up to four hours before I could go to the next section. First of all, I didn’t even know how I was going to put the fabric on the boots OR the hat! So, where did I go? YouTube, of course! The DIY Designer showed me how to cover my boots and Beautaire showed me how to cover my hat. As for the mask, I’ve been making those for a while, it was easy and I made the cape with an old pattern I’ve used only once before. So, the real challenge was the boots! Y’all, it was so looooooong! It took me a week, but I am glad that I did something different and learned something new!

So, tell me what you think! I want to know your HONEST opinion! Styling an outfit is one thing, but creating it with my own hands means so much more. Usually, I couldn’t care less of what people think lol but I really want to know!

Thanks again for joining me on one of my creative journeys. I APPRECIATE YOU!

Links to everything are below!

Love & Peace

Allyssa K. Blair

Fabric –

Hat –

Similar Cape Pattern ––coats/new-look-pattern-6535-misses-capes-in-four-lengths/

The DIY Designer –

Beautarie –

6 thoughts on “Winter Garden

  1. Girrrrrrrllllll! You did this! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! Father let the creativity overflow until her cup runs over, again and again and again. I have been anticipating this long awaited post all month. You would not allow me to do a sneak peak. So, since you could care less but really want to know. Here it goes, I’m glad it is themed “Winter Garden”. The flowers are flowing in January 2021. Nonetheless, the details are magnificent and consistent throughout. It seems as though each piece can be coordinated independently to accentuate a completely different outfit. A variety of solid colored pieces can also bring out the many vibrant colors, to create another absolutely wonderful outfit. But what can I say, I’m just the observer who was asked to share my thoughts. Finally, “What do you have on up under there daughter?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mom, you are so funny lol THANK YOU for your comment and opinions! I appreciate them and your support means THE WORLD to me 😍 What a GOOD EYE you have! I didn’t even think about wearing these pieces interchangeably! You’re very observant! To answer your question, under my cape I am wearing The Armor of God 🥰😘❤️ Thank YOOOUUUUU!!!


      1. Keep on His Armor because you will need the full gear, especially the Breastplate of Righteousness, during the times we are living. 🙂 Love, Mama Blair


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